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Power Outages

Managing a Power Outage


Plugging a generator into a normal outlet is DANGEROUS.

BUT ... What if it were this easy to have your entire home powered safely during a power outage.
  • Turn your main breaker off.
  • Turn our 40 AMP breaker on.
  • Start the generator 
  • Plug the generator into a specialized outlet designed for a generator. 

It really is that simple.  And simply reversing the instructions puts things back to normal once power is restored.

Many people get a generator and plug it into any outlet, normally in or near their garages.

This is not safe.  Wiring in a home comes in several sizes and is  not meant to receive power from that direction or to accommodate a generator's power output.

Many fires and serious damage to your electrical system can occur.  As if the inconvenience of a power outage wasn't enough, you may be left with hundreds of dollars in damage. Perhaps some that insurance won't cover.

We install a 40 AMP breaker in your home's breaker box.  We then connect that to an special outlet either in your garage or outside in a convenient location.  

(40 AMPs (in most cases) is more than enough to power your furnace, freezer, hot water heater, refrigerator, microwave, oven, stove, chargers, computers, etc.; everything you need to live a normal life while the power is out.)  But we urge all our clients to cut back on their energy usage while using a generator.  

Every one of our installations comes with a simple-to-follow set of instructions for powering up your home with a generator.  


Contact us to learn more or to discuss another specific project.

Thank You

Jon Hartman
Website Builder